Recent content by Longandcurved

  1. L

    chat and sext w me while my husbands at work

    9 inch bwc here id love to chat with you
  2. L

    Need bull

    Hello I am a 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull and I would love to help please let me know if you are interested
  3. L

    20 year old fiancé

    Where are you located I am 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull
  4. L

    Denver couple or select male for wife

    Hello I am a 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull and I would love to be a bull for her please let me know if you are interested
  5. L

    It’s my birthday

    When is your birthday I am 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull. I'd love to blow your wife's mind in bed
  6. L

    Has your wife ever taken a friend to share with her bull?

    I would love to see how you could handle my 9 inch bwc
  7. L

    Bull wanted in Southern Maine area

    Hello I would love to talk I am 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull looking for a hot wife and I am extremely interested in being a bull for her I love petite and I would love to see what I could do with my cock to her please let me know if you are interested
  8. L

    No messing. Around (NJ/NY)

    Hello I am a 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull and I would love to blow your wife's mind with multiple orgasms please let me know if you are interested
  9. L

    New York City,Bull seeking Couple

    Hello I would love to chat I am 9 inch bwc bull looking for a hot wife please let me know if you are interested
  10. L

    Boston area couple seeks a bull

    Hello how are you doing I am 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull looking for a hot wife please let me know if you are interested
  11. L

    35 f hotwife looking for bull indiana -nwi

    I am 9 inch bwc bull if you are interested please let me know
  12. L


    Hello I am a 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull and I would love to sext DM me if interested
  13. L

    Post your petite wife or gf

    Yes let's talk in dm and we can plan. I am 25 yo 6 ft 1 athletic build 9 inch bwc bull if you are interested please dm
  14. L

    I will start hotwife zoom session in less than 40 minutes, do you want to attend?

    I'd love to join a session seems like I saw this post a little too late. Please do another one