Recent content by Florida58

  1. Florida58

    How exposed is your wife or gf?

    I would love help sharing my wifes pics, let me know and I'll post more here for anyone to repost....I would really appreciate the help..
  2. Florida58

    How exposed is your wife or gf?

    Post my wife on any other web site.....she loves married men wanting to fuck her....
  3. Florida58

    Where Are You Located?

    Forgot one
  4. Florida58

    Where Are You Located?

    Ok....a few more...
  5. Florida58

    Where Are You Located?

    Just wanted to send you a few more pictures of my wife Tammy's fuckable body....
  6. Florida58

    Where Are You Located?

    I love licking her from her ass to her clit and back again.
  7. Florida58

    Where Are You Located?

    Fort Myers, Florida