Recent content by CutWarrior

  1. CutWarrior

    Wives preparing for a date

    is she getting ready for a date with a bull? have you found a local long term bull for the mrs?
  2. CutWarrior

    New for Canada

    Welcome to the site! which province/city are you based in Canada if you? full disclosure, fellow canuck here ;)
  3. CutWarrior

    Where Are You Located?

    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
  4. CutWarrior

    Retired couple looking for some fun.

    Where are you guys located? country/city?
  5. CutWarrior

    Any bulls near Toronto?

    Bull here, GTA area. DM sent
  6. CutWarrior

    Couple in CA

    CA is California or Canada?
  7. CutWarrior

    Does anyone like Chinese wives?

    Have you lived in China your whole life? or have you travelled abroad? ever visit Canada or plan on moving there?
  8. CutWarrior

    Mature couple

    Where are you guys located? country/city?
  9. CutWarrior

    Open couple in Upstate Ny

    I live somewhat close to upstate new york. which city in particular are you currently based? do you live close to niagara falls?
  10. CutWarrior

    Second Male Wanted

    Very much interested, DM sent
  11. CutWarrior

    I'm Pregnant!

    This retard is the same fantasy sexting time waster I exposed quite a long time ago. He is using the same pic of that yoga instructor chick. Totally fake and bs.
  12. CutWarrior

    Looking for someone london based to join for threesome

    Hello! Are you located in London, Ontario, Canada or London, UK?
  13. CutWarrior

    Milf with hips never shared but ready for first experience

    where are you located? country/city?
  14. CutWarrior

    New couple from Canada

    Welcome to the website! I live in Canada as well, Ontario to be more specific. I would be more than happy to talk with her in a respectful manner and see where what depths our stream of thought leads to