Recent content by crissynh50pt

  1. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'IMG_2641.jpeg'

    I JUST had my nails done.. BLACK!!:)
  2. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'Rock hard cock for wives'

    mmm next time im in denver....:)
  3. C

    WOW!!! you guys jumped in and on this site head first with posts and stuff! You seem to LIKE IT...

    WOW!!! you guys jumped in and on this site head first with posts and stuff! You seem to LIKE IT YESS??? Soo funto have you here! Cheers, crissy , D ,, and you know the 'others"!!
  4. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'IMG_3331.jpeg'

    and you are STILL the one woman ..(well ok one of two...) Id do any sexual debauchery you wanted with!!! xxxxooohs! crissy
  5. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'IMG_4719.jpeg'

    Shes right you dont!! I do:):) and Charlie "that "TIME" 3 young guys sprayed you??" Bull ive had it DOZENS and youve had it MORE!! xxooohs crissy
  6. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'IMG_6419.jpeg'

    The man is a bigger whore thab charlie me.. or our babys!! yumm!
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    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media '-5452259588401291275.mp4'

    mmm hey guys I WONDERED when we see a little a little 'lollipop' action on here!!:) yes I do have jrdy featured a few places on here too:):) XXXOOHS crissy
  8. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'someone's wife goes black.mp4'

    This shows what bbcs can do.. to girls like us.. notice carefully she comes at least TWICE JUST from sucking his me! she climbs aboard that huge meet and is soo wet she goes BALLS DEEP immediately... and then is on her next orgasm about 10 seconds into mounting him. YUP.. like me...
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    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media 'someone's wife goes black.mp4'

    not relevent ive been known to ..pull my ring if i decide to approach guys:)
  10. C

    Hotwife exposed on web

    ooh a few examples me fucking on he couch is all over the place it was 20 yers ago.. i found it more recently. I kindof ..remember the guys but not names or place:)
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    Hotwife exposed on web

    I continue to find myself spread to sites i never even went to let alone posted on.. its kind of hot!! im wayy past thinking ill ever remove videos and pics of slutty me..soo embrace the attention :):)
  12. C

    Post the most slutty look of your Hotwife to Caption💦

    i cant even COUNT at how many ski areas ive earned THAT PATCH!!:)
  13. C

    Video taping wife with her boyfriends/lovers

    mmm can you get any closer with that cam?? i dont care you can bring 5 guys to cam me as long as they take turns on me with their cocks!! crissy
  14. C

    same problem help us both! i bet you'll get rewarded!!

    same problem help us both! i bet you'll get rewarded!!
  15. C

    Comment by 'crissynh50pt' in media '@ 35441.jpg'

    :):):) we enjoy the SAME type of games!! crissy