Recent content by calicolombia69

  1. C

    Are men groomed for this lifestyle?

    I was also groomed in a way, by an in-law of the next generation to mine. Each time I explictly type out who it was, the system redacts the nouns out. They are all adults so why the censorship? I noticed she was slowly changing her demeanour toward me. She used to be distant and suddenly...
  2. C

    Are men groomed for this lifestyle?

    Can you elaborate? Was this just an affair or did she groom you in any way?
  3. C

    Most taboo fantasy?

    Same fantasy, based on true facts. Wife does have an uncle who has openly demonstrated attraction towards her. Then again, my wife dresses really slutty for family reunions and visits. She does this to ******** off her chauvinistic latino brothers. They love to leer at bikini clad women on the...
  4. C

    Most taboo fantasy?

    What did you have in mind as being taboo? I know of consensual stuff that has happened in my wife's family that would be totally unbelievable even in these forums.
  5. C

    Any "normal" couples that are only part time into cuck play ?

    In our case, we are like Jason Bourne: we dont eat, work, ...... or go to the bathroom. Its cuckolding 24/7. I think its safe to assume that ALL couples are human with all that that entails. Sex and adventure may be more frequent for young childless couples. But life still gets in the way...
  6. C

    What are you wearing to tease men in public?

    Of course. Leggins delineate every detail, including imperfections such as a bit of cellulite, which I find arousing. What you see is what you get. Minis and form fitting skirts are teasers but cover that last and most important area: the ass line...
  7. C

    What are you wearing to tease men in public?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even in HS and college, my buddies prefered the small tushes. I loved the bubble but ones!
  8. C

    What are you wearing to tease men in public?

    I wish I could perceive odor, but the fans ruin it, hehe. What does impress me is the ass, buttocks, legs, thighs that some of them develop. As a form of praise, its as if white and latinas have a black woman's ass. And that is not God given. It takes hours of work at the gym. Some, do...
  9. C

    What are you wearing to tease men in public?

    I get luck at our gym sometimes. Days of sausage fest go by. Then suddenly a really hot MILF showing cameltoe and ass crack all the way up, starts squatting on the benches. They do it on purpose. They know they are being apprecaited. They like the ambiance of the gym because its like a...
  10. C

    What are you wearing to tease men in public?

    so does my wife and daugther in law. its in fashion, especially Latina women.
  11. C

    Older men with young gf

    East coast. But wife can hold her own! Guys are impressed how at 50, she can ride for a long time. She is a pole dancer and we go to the gym several times a week. So strong legs which means she can squat over a guys cock and hold it like a beer bottle with her lips. She has also done a lot...
  12. C

    Older men with young gf

    you can see she is really enjoying it by her expression
  13. C

    Hotest thing you wife has said or done to excited a salesperson.

    Usually flirts with the customs agents when flying back to Colombia. Wears a unitrd without a bra. So her fake tits bounce around naturally and just about pop out. Thong to you can see it wedge all the way up her ass crack and of course cameltoe on full display. Does this because she is...
  14. C

    Has your wife ever shocked you?

    Not as adventurous as you, but shocked nevertheless. She flew to her hometown for a reunion. Some aunts 150th birthday. Meets up with a direct cousin she had not seen since they were teens. Always had a crush on him because he did karate and she was of course so impressed at his prowesses...
  15. C

    Wife’s reaction to much bigger cock penetrating her

    It does look used. Even if you pull at your buttocks, the anus would be closed. Mine does say that a thick cock doesnt hurt as much as a small one. Therefore, I am never allowed in. I only get to lick or admire the open anus when she returns. It seems counterintuitive. A thin cock tends...