Recent content by Caldosch

  1. C

    Taking Viagra and similar stimulants

    I use cialis 10mg usually a few hours before a planned fuck session. I use a delay spray to stop me cumming so sometimes I can't get hard enough. Cialis helps alot. I'm 46
  2. C

    What should I roll play with Wife next?

    Sounds exactly like my situation. I'm in the same position so can't offer any advice unfortunately. If I work it out, I'll let you know.
  3. C

    Best way to use Cialis?

    I've only recently started trying it. I'm using a delay spray which can sometimes stop me getting fully hard. I'm trying 10mg at the moment which seems to work well. But I'm noticing it takes alot longer to kick in than the doctor said. At least several hours. I'll probably start taking it the...
  4. C

    Wife’s reaction to much bigger cock penetrating her

    I wish mine was a size queen but she doesn't seem to be. I'm not sure how big her exs were (she says she can't remember). I'm less than 6 inches and she says she doesn't want any bigger. I've gotten a 7 inch dildo in her but she's not overly into it.
  5. C

    Do you try to find porn where the woman reminds you of your wife?

    I try. But it's not that easy to find home made porn with her matching body type. I prefer it to be as close as possible so I look for ones where they act similar to how she would act too
  6. C

    Do you have kik or tele?

    Do you have kik or tele?
  7. C

    Big dildos for training wife

    We have a few but my wife only uses them because she knows I like it. Not sure if id call her trained unfortunately
  8. C

    Masturbating wives

    I got one for my wife. It works but she always picks the bullet vibe first
  9. C

    I started it wrong. Can I get a second chance? I feel stuck.

    Yep. Mine only cums from toys on her clit. She enjoys sex but never cums from it so the dildos are just some entertainment
  10. C

    I started it wrong. Can I get a second chance? I feel stuck.

    Sounds like our wives are similar. I can offer a few suggestions. We started with smaller cheap dildos. She never liked them. I spent more on a dual density one. It's 7 inch long and 5 around. At first she was pretty negative about it but she still tried it because she knows it turns me on...
  11. C

    What is your love life/sex life like ?

    Late 40s here. We don't have sex nearly as much as we used to but I would say the quality of our sex has improved. She knows her drive has gone down but still makes an effort which is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I am horny all the time so can't expect her to match that. We supplement...
  12. C

    Anyone use dildos to get their wives to want a bigger cock?

    I'm about to fuck my wife today. When we were talking about it she said she didn't want any dildos used on her this time. It's going to be an individual thing but my wife really has to be in a certain mood to enjoy a dildo and she'll rarely ask for it.
  13. C

    Is she close to the finish line ?

    I'm in the same situation. I've tried a few things but nothing has paid off yet. I can definitely advise not to push it! If you do, it'll be several steps back. I've had to back off a fair bit and I'll probably have to wait a few months before starting the role play back up unless she brings it...
  14. C

    Australia here - Any other Aussies here?

    Sydney here. 45m married to 49
  15. C

    Toy recommendation

    Thank you. I'll look into that. She doesn't get much sensation inside so we've never looked into it.