Recent content by btweets

  1. btweets

    Who wants to fuck my fiancé?

    You can certainly count me in!!
  2. btweets

    Post her pussy!!

    Robins pussy!!
  3. btweets

    Photo Shoot Last Night...Have I Lost It?

    You are nowhere close to have "lost it", or become "aged out"!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love your pics!!!!!!
  4. btweets

    Post the most slutty look of your Hotwife to Caption💦

    You are definitely the HOTTEST HotWife in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. btweets

    Short skirts

    YES!!!! Yes you are most certainly allowed and encouraged to share those kind of stories here!!!!!!
  6. btweets

    Guys and gals, how often do you masturbate and what do you think about when you do it?

    When I masturbate I usually think about some hot chick I want to fuck badly!!
  7. btweets

    Sniffing wife's panties

    I'd have to say that they look like cum stains but the best way to tell is to smell them. YOU WILL KNOW!!!
  8. btweets

    Need help, is this cum stain?

    That last pair you posted kinda looks like they are cum stained, but not the others!! Also I agree with what someone else had said about smelling them. YOU WILL KNOW!!!
  9. btweets

    Sniffing wife's panties

    OMG!! I have no idea how many pairs of Robin's panties we've given away over the years!! But I think the best times are when we are in a bar or club!!
  10. btweets

    Thanks for the follow!!

    Thanks for the follow!!