Recent content by BDFing

  1. B

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    This work??
  2. B

    My Hotwife Elaine

    She’s still Very Attractive and Sexy!!
  3. B

    My Hotwife Elaine

    Totally agree!!
  4. B

    VERIFIED Please Verify

    Will do!
  5. B

    How much is psychological versus sexual?

    Absolutely!!! I know I plan sex events for my wife and tell her a lot of times what I’m thinking. This starts her going as well. It’s all about the adventures and different things we can do. I see a lot of people and couples all they do is have sex and no spice or adventures. Generally these...
  6. B

    How much is psychological versus sexual?

    I’m a firm believer 60/40 60 percent psychological and 40 percent physical. Once you understand this then focusing on the desire side and making that last is really helpful. I know there are times I’m working up something for days and the process is really winding my clock.
  7. B

    My wife wants to know if she turns older guys on???

    Put her on the bed and lock her legs wide open and leave the front door open and invite a friend over…..
  8. B

    Who was your wife's best lover ever???????

    Good for You 😊. Have Fun!!
  9. B

    Who was your wife's best lover ever???????

    Mine said it was her lover from twenty years ago. Apparently he was a policeman and buff and had an incredible dick and knew how to use it. She actually talks about him often with a smile on her face. I keep asking her to look him up. He moved away and she thinks she knows where he’s at now. I’d...
  10. B

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  11. B

    Does your wife or GF wear leather?

    She ever fuck other guys???
  12. B

    Does your wife or GF wear leather?

    Man she’s HOT!!
  13. B

    Totally Open Lingerie - Please Post

  14. B

    Totally Open Lingerie - Please Post

    Very Nice Looking Lady!!