Recent content by Anonymousrob84

  1. Anonymousrob84

    Cage question and ideas

  2. Anonymousrob84

    BBC Approved

    She needs stretched out for sure!
  3. Anonymousrob84

    BBC Approved

    Here she is…what do you think?
  4. Anonymousrob84

    UPDATE: First solo dates

    Update from Rachel: So these last couple of months have been nothing but life full of stress in Rob and I’s personal lives. And we all know what crazy amounts of stress do to one’s libido. So needless to say, not much has happened recently. We have been discussing the possibility of going back...
  5. Anonymousrob84

    UPDATE: First solo dates

    Rachel just earned some good girl panties. When she writes about this newest playtime, I will post her thoughts.
  6. Anonymousrob84

    Cage question and ideas

    Here they are. Took some work because my balls and scrotem are so big lol
  7. Anonymousrob84

    Cage question and ideas

    I tried on my first steel cage. Would you guys like to see?
  8. Anonymousrob84

    UPDATE: First solo dates

    First new pic in a while!
  9. Anonymousrob84

    Sexual Goals 2025

    I’m not sure how I feel about it but I figure I owe it to myself to find out
  10. Anonymousrob84

    Sexual Goals 2025

    I don’t know that she will be up for that but I want to try it at least once.
  11. Anonymousrob84

    Sexual Goals 2025

    This year, my wife and I have decided we are going to set some sexual goals for 2025. We grew a lot in the last year. 23 went from barely playing, to her playing a lot, playing solo, playing bareback, me cleaning her up, and her getting a regular “boyfriend”. I have historically played the...
  12. Anonymousrob84

    Cage question and ideas

    That’s what I picked up
  13. Anonymousrob84

    Cage question and ideas

    My biggest issue is that I have a huge scrotum and balls. Just average cock but the balls and scrotum are massive so every ring I find is too small. 2” rings are impossible and that’s the largest I’ve been able to find. I can’t even get my balls through the ring, let alone other stuff.
  14. Anonymousrob84

    UPDATE: First solo dates

    Some good pics getting ready for the club tonight!
  15. Anonymousrob84

    UPDATE: First solo dates

    One of the issues was that they never took pics or recorded or anything and my wife is notoriously bad about retelling things so it was a wash for me