5'7", 122 lbs. nicely shaped (34DD), into working out w/ long blonde hair. She's beautiful, friendly, easy to talk to & sweet! She takes X'cellent care of herself, always looks Great, both in & out of clothes 😉) She love's to play, tease & is verry sexual when comfortable. She is a Giver & Loves to use her Amazing Mouth & Body!! Interested in bringing her sexual fantasies to life!! Rock Her World & She'll Rock Urs!!
Fantasies and / or real experiences:
Enjoy going to Clubs for drinks, dancing, & socializing. Select Parties too ;-)). Had an Awesome time in Hedo 3 years in a row, 2nd week of Jan. Ya Mon 😉)
Looking to make friends in the L S, rather than one night play, but, occasionally one & done is Hot!!
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