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Humble me

  • Media owner AxelP
  • Date added
That can be arranged. I'd go to a lot of trouble for a chance with your gorgeous angel of a wife.
Would you watch or wait?
Watching is the best. When you haveva gorgeous and sexy wife like yours I don't blame you.
I will enter her slowly, I want you to be there, kiss her while I am entering her
You sick on her left nipple and I will suck on her right nipple at the same time while I am inside her
I will hold off cumming until she comes, after I pull out of her you go next immediately before she can object to it.
She will be stretched out a little but the sensation of my cum and her loose pussy will be amazing to feel. When she starts to close in around you you might cum on the spot.
my wife has fucked men both bigger and smaller than me, but the times she's had bigger I always go next within seconds of the other guy pulling out. That sensation is addicting
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Oh yes, I know you are familiar with that feeling as am I. I can only dream of the privilege of giving you and the amazing D that gift

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