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Slutty wife waiting for the neighbor jb to get there and fuck her with his big cock
We had a married neighbor who fucked my wife regularly for a couple of years. It was very hot to see him around the neighborhood with his wife and kids and other neighbors after he started fucking my wife. My wife was a very convenient piece of ass for our neighbor.
did you get to watch and join in

I got to watch and stroke my stiff cock. He was sort of homophobic but he did get hard again right away when I ate his cum out of my wife's pussy right in front of him every time he fucked her. I ate A LOT of his cum during the time he was fucking my wife.

He would tell his wife that he was coming to our house to watch a game on TV with me when he was really coming over to fuck my wife while I watched. We would keep a TV on in the bedroom (muted) just in case his wife asked him about the game.

He loved having a hot horny blonde in the neighborhood he could fuck.
my wife fucked our neighbour and his wife. Often came home and found the three of them in bed. I always got to fuck his wife before they left. Does your wife get off these days when you remind her of it
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my wife fucked our neighbour and his wife. Often came home and found the three of them in bed. I always got to fuck his wife before they left. Does your wife get off these days when you remind her of it

My wife is not into women...she is all-cock-all-the-time. My wife liked having sex with that neighbor but she has had boyfriends and one-night-stands during our entire marriage. She has been having sex regularly with her married boss for years.

I don't get to watch her boss fuck her but he is aware that I know that he has been fucking my wife for years. They have their dates in our guest room in the evenings while I am home.
You should tell the boss that it would pay him to bring his wife with him so you could fuck her. Did your wife start fucking at a young age
You should tell the boss that it would pay him to bring his wife with him so you could fuck her. Did your wife start fucking at a young age

I do not want to fuck her boss's wife. I have seen his wife and I know why he likes fucking my wife so much.

Kate became sexually active in high school. She had an affair with the husband of a couple she babysat for.
so lets talk about your wifes fucking as this seems to be sexy. Has she done more than one guy at a time?

Is this the type of slut you would like to fuck

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