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January 19th black cock making me look better then I am

It's been a different experience with the black men I've cum to let them have what they never had in 42 years. I'm 44 now and whether I'm just laying prone getting fucked by white cock or I'm like this just wide open it's been unbelievable thus far this guy went all out at his place music the settin
Wow! Did he make your pussy sore?
Honesty no my pussy was so slimy from the experience when I'm really turned on I produce pussy lubricant like all women but I tend to slime not watery but clear thick pussy cum. I nutted a couple times he was sliding in and out of me effortlessly I mean if it hurts then it's not worth it
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Black Lovers bring out desires and needs in us (white women) that we never knew we had!! The most amazing and intense sex I have had was with Black Lovers. And I guarantee, it won't be long before they start to push all of your limits and ,question your need for birth control!! Wait until you start seeing them without your husband there (you will). THEN they really make your world spin!!!
J (the missing this in my life wife)

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