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she loves from ass to pussy.m4v

Great video, hot for me I love it, but would prefer a BBC or two taking me same time, but I know that feeling of being fucked hard in both holes and it is amazing, f that was me I would of been squirting all over him several times. But that is me! ❤️
You do know there's more bugs in your mouth than in your ass.
Ever gone from mouth to pussy
If you say so, I assume you are also into ass to mouth! Neither is for me, fuck my ass be prepared to wash your dick before it goes anywhere else in my body!
If you say so, I assume you are also into ass to mouth! Neither is for me, fuck my ass be prepared to wash your dick before it goes anywhere else in my body!
Not into ass to mouth and in a situation when anal sex is spontaneous, yes the cock would be washed before entering her pussy.
If she expects anal sex, she always cleans her ass and gets it ready with an enema and internal washing.
Having said all that, ass to pussy is not a kink of mine or Lani's.
Sometimes if she's prepared in the heat if battle it happens. My 1st wife did cum in seconds on re entry into her pussy and if a woman asks for it, I have no problem with it.
But that video here is hot. It is good to look at.
I am not being critical of you or the act, I understand and have participated in the whole process or concept, I too fully clean myself prior to anal, or actually prior to sex as anal is always an option, but knowledge and experience has showed me it is not the most healthy thing to go from anal to any form of other sex. I disagree with the cleanliness of the Ana’s vs the mouth, I wound never kiss your butt, but am willing to kiss a mouth. I know this act happens, it has happened to me a few times when very young in the heat of the moment, but not today. In the end of course the porn video looks hot, but I assure you all porn is staged and not real. If you ever get the opportunity to be on a porn shoot, it will completely change your view of porn, but I get men really enjoy the fantasies porn creates. My experiences are that real sex is never like a porn shoot.
Today my spin on this concept, is fuck my ass all you want but you will wash it before putting in anywhere else in my body! I don’t mind going from DVP to DP but never the reverse. There is a reason the anal is an exit port of the body, and the mouth s an entrance port. Enjoy the lifestyle in what ever form you enjoy. No disrespect intended.. ❤️💋❤️

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