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Wife takes multiple strangers creampies

A night out at clubs found my wife back at our hotel where she got all her holes filled as the guys took turns fucking her bareback and emptying their loads in her pussy. At the end of the night, she took seven different men and all their loads.
Good girl, and good Cucky too! I’m local to FL, let me know when she wants to get filled again.

We were at a hotel party two weeks ago in Fort Lauderdale and she had a great time. We got invited to an after-party and it was all guys watching their wives play together. My wife, being the cock lover she is, told the guys if they wanted to play, they could come to our room and fuck her. Five of the guys took her up on her offer and spent about an hour fucking her pussy and her ass. A few other guys came and watched but said their wives don't let them play alone.

About an hour after they call came, there was a knock at our door and it was one of the other husbands who said his wife fell asleep and he was horny and asked if the offer was still open. He fucked her sloppy pussy and gave her another load.
One of my fantasies about how I get pregnant, a night like this!! And not have a CLUE who I am pregnant by and maybe not even the race of the baby untuil its born!!! WOW J (the wife)
Wonderful lady by the way, being available for the satisfaction of the guys cocks rather then them taking care of her needs. Something VERY sexy about that. Haven't done that for a while. J (the wife)
She had a great time. After all the men were done and had left her filled with their cum, I and her boyfriend got into bed and we both made love to her. Listening to her pussy with all the cum inside was amazing. The next morning she woke up between me and Dave and her eyes was glued shut with cum, her hair was a mess and had cum dried in it, and her body had dried cum covering her. Her pussy and her ass were both filled with cum too. She asked for a bottle of water and there was still one guy ......, naked on the couch, and one ...... naked on the floor. My wife gave me the sweetest, most innocent look seeing the guys ...... in the room, all of us still with club wristbands on, and she said, "I hate to ask this, but do you know either of the guys names?"

Aftrer her shower, the only thing she was upset about was the cum in her hair. She doesn't care about cum anywhere but she hates it in her hair.
fantastic adventurous wife!
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